Accepting social responsibility

Whether for short-term or long-term beneficiary charity partnerships – TMICHA is an ideal partner organisation for companies that wish to engage socially. Donations to us are tax deductable which makes us a reliable partner. Please help too. Please contact us, and we will jointly develop the type of engagement that suits your business. Are you interested? Please contact us: Tel. 0676 475 21 50


Information on tax deductibility of donations for enterprises

Hände-01Donations to TMICHA have been tax deductible since 1 January 2009. Under Reg. No. SO 1324 you can find TMICHA in the list of beneficiary donation recipients on the homepage of the Austrian Ministry of Finance – As soon as you have a taxable annual income, you can include your donation in the list of items to be deducted from the total tax basis. Depending on the total amount of your income you will receive a maximum of 50% of the donated sum refunded from your tax department. Proofs of donation are to be kept for seven years for the tax department. Donations to TIMCHA can be submitteed with your tax department as a business expense within the framework of tax compensation. Anonymous gifts are not tax deductible. Therefore, you should clearly fill in your name and address for bank transfers. You can deduct your total annual donations in the amount of 10% from your current year’s income.